En del av vår verksamhet är att finansiera forskarresor till konferenser runt om i världen. I dessa sammanhang kan forskare från världens alla hörn lära av varandra, utbyta kliniska erfarenheter och knyta kontakter för framtida projekt.
Forskaren Emmanouil Terzidis har fått detta stöd av oss. I mars var han på Island för att delta på Nordic Association for Clinical Physics (NACP) där han också fick möjligheten att presentera en poster med ett abstract.
Såhär beskriver hans själv sin upplevese av konferensen (text på engelska):
“In March this year, I traveled to Reykjavik to attend the Nordic Association for Clinical Physics (NACP) conference. This meeting takes place once every 3 years and medical physicists from all Nordic countries gather and share their clinical experience and research questions. The topic of this meeting was “from bench to bed” focusing on how the clinical application of new technologies and improvements in the field.
During my poster presentation, I got valuable and interesting comments from other hospital physicists working in radiotherapy, which will be very beneficial for the continuation of my research project and its application to the clinic. The conference had a great balance between oral presentations posters and many networking opportunities. I enjoyed meeting new colleagues from university hospitals in Finland and Iceland. In general, I could see many similarities between the Nordic countries it was interesting to see small differences regarding the clinical workflow. It was very interesting for me to learn about the medical physics certification program for other Nordic countries since I am planning to undertake the equivalent program in Sweden. This was so far one of the most fruitful conferences for me and I am already looking forward to attending it again and getting in touch with all the new people I met.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude for the economic support that Jubileumsklinikens Cancerfond has provided me, enabling me to attend this conference.”
Tusen tack Emmanouil för att du delar med dig!